Group Conscience Chairperson: Ashley D.
Group Conscience Secretary: Amy T.
Group Treasurer: John B.
Group Institutional Representative (GIR): Reagan B.
Group General Service Representative (GSR): Brian B.
Group Steering Committee Chairperson: Frank K.
Group Steering Committee Members: Brian R., Paul S., Ali, Fred F., Brian M.
Group Technology Chairperson: Maggie S.
Group Speaker Chairperson: Kevin S.
Group Potluck/Cake Night Chairperson: Heather W.
Group Literature Chairperson: Stefanie C.
Group Archives Chairperson: Larry S.
Group Grapevine Representative: Keith C.
Group Supply and Pop Person: Joey R.
Group Cleaning Chairperson: Jeremy H.
Tradition 3 Group Conscience Meetings are held on the FOURTH Sunday of each month at 9:45am unless otherwise noted.
Tradition 3 at Safe Harbor
2110 US Route 14, Rochester, Minnesota 55902, United States